Postkodelotteriets ambassadører deler alle vår overbevisning om at verden blir et bedre sted med sterke ideelle organisasjoner som arbeider for mennesker og miljø.
Skuespiller og menneskerettsaktivist
"I have never seen anything like the Postcode Lottery. It is saying: Let’s all participate as a group and along the way do gold. The fact that I can be involved in this, is an honor."
Grunnlegger og styreleder i Theirworld
“The Postcode Lotteries allow both players and charities to dream. Thank you for the support to Theirworld enabling our charity projects to reach many vulnerable children with their own dreams for a brighter future.”
Skuespiller og aktivist
"When it comes to protecting human rights or saving the planet, some civil disobedience is needed. It is fantastic that the Postcode Lottery enables people and social organisations to act this way!"
Olympisk mester i kunstløp
"I couldn’t think of a better way to use my popularity than to support charitable causes that help people. The combination of winning and giving – is there anything better than that? That’s why I’m very happy to join the Postcode Lottery family."
Sosial entreprenør og fredsprisvinner
"Charity is a wonderful concept; it really helps people who are suffering. But one shortcoming of charity is that every time you help out, you need a fresh amount of money."
"Thanks to the lottery’s support, we can empower and support girls to become the women of their dreams and put an end to the practice of female genital mutilation."
Lege og fredsprisvinner
“With the support of the lotteries, we can innovate and take concrete measures to eradicate rape as a weapon of war in Congo and other conflict zones across the world.”
Sveitsisk tennisspiller med 20 Grand Slam-titler
“I feel honoured to be an international ambassador of the Postcode Lottery. The support we receive for the Roger Federer Foundation is a motivation to further promote children’s good start into education.
Grunnlegger og styreleder i Theirworld
“The Postcode Lotteries allow both players and charities to dream. Thank you for the support to Theirworld enabling our charity projects to reach many vulnerable children with their own dreams for a brighter future."
Spansk tennisspiller med 22 Grand Slam-titler
“I would like to thank the Postcode Lottery for lending its loyal support to all those good causes, including my own Rafa Nadal Foundation. Because of your help, many children will have a better future.”
Amerikansk president
"The Postcode Lottery is the best thing I have seen to involve ordinary people in charitable work. A whole community can win and it must be a great feeling to be part of it.
Tysk fotballspiller med 5 Champions League-titler
“Winning is wonderful, that I know. I wish everyone good luck! I am happy to be an ambassador of the Postcode Lottery – together we can help a lot of children.”
Artist og TV-personlighet
“Bidraget fra Postkodelotteriet til organisasjoner som WWF og SOS-barnebyer, gjør virkelig en stor forskjell. Hvert eneste lodd betyr noe for både mennesker og miljø, og derfor kan du også vinne med god samvittighet. Jeg er stolt av å være en del av dette unike lotteriet."
Programleder og verdensmester i alpint
“Jeg synes hele konseptet til Postkodelotteriet er ordentlig bra. På verdensbasis har lotteriet utrettet utrolig mye for mange organisasjoner. At jeg får være med på det samme her i Norge, synes jeg er veldig flott.”